Thursday, June 01, 2006


Got back to Ljubljana yesterday afternoon and it was still pissing down by the bucket load. Wandered around a little of Ljubljana which was full of walking raincoats holding umbrellas, I wondered why I liked the place so much a few years ago. The market was deserted, the cafes were empty, the roads had been transformed into rivers and lakes. Locals said it would continue until tomorrow afternoon, then stop, because heavy rains in Slovenia last no more than 3 days, nice.

But this morning I woke up and the sun was shining, energised by this turnabout in the weather, I head into town and to the market, its around 8am and already it's bustling, plenty of people around picking up their fruit, veg and flowers, it's a different world to yesterday.

Pic Left: Ljubljana market stalls....
Pic Right: Famous 3 bridge crossing designed by Ljubljana's famous architect Jože Plečnik.

Brisk walk up to the castle and views of the city, back down via a mysetery route and when i eventually work out where I am, aim towards the river where by now the cafes are starting to come to life, this is the Ljubljana I remember ! Locals sitting out with a drink and an ice cream, enjoying the sunny morning in sunny Ljubljana.

Pic : Alongside the Ljublanica river

At the castle there was an exhibition of photos from Ljubljana centuries ago, comparing views of the city then an now, a fascinating comparison showing how things have changed. Well worth 10 minutes of your time if you are there.

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