Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Some more random photos.

Left: Sneak preview of terracotta soldiers, currently on display in the Moscow History Museum.
Right: Great subject, poor photographer ;) overlooking Almaty at evening.

Left: Muslim clothing stall in Kazan.
Right: Assumption church andbell tower in Vladimir, one of Russia's finest churches.

Left: Moscow's artisitic underground stations.
Right: Matroeshkoes of every kind available on Moscow's Arbat.

Left: A griffin plant carving in Kazan.
Right: Odessa's local supermarkets use 'Sainsburys' bags for some reason.

Left: My new friends from Romania, Moldova and Ukraine, Leah and Kristina.
Right: Spiderman and Batman in Odessa, of course.

Left: MySoviet block flat accomodation in Chisinau.
Right: British telephone kiosk in Odessa !! This town is full of surprises.

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