Monday, November 27, 2006

Brief update

Since my last post which I think was in Khotan, I moved on northwards across the Taklamakan desert, skipped Urumqi and went straight to Turpan. Little disappointed with the place after all the good reviews, but probably just because I am a bit late in the season. While there saw a couple of tourist sites and moved on to Dunhuang, which was nice. Visited the famous and amazing Mogao Buddhist sculpture caves (twice) and some huge, huge sand-dunes just outside town. Next stop Jiayuguan which was the western most point of the original Great Wall. Saw some of the great wall and the huge fort there, which I now know as being the source of so many photos I have seen to promote Chinese culture, books, films etc etc..

Now in Lanzhou and soon off to Nanning way down south of China in Guanxi province to a wedding (No, not mine Ade !!). Due to the wedding date, I'm speeding through Gansu province, so will have to come back here again next year, when it will be warmer too, was snowing yesterday and also previously in Jiayuguan..brrrrrr

Will have time to update more and add photos too I hope when I get to Nanning as I expect I will hang around there for a while.

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