Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A multi-coloured Macau

Taking a ferry from Shenzhen we dropped into Macau for a quick visit, landing on the Eastern port side of the island. Found a hotel and wandered around the town which is very European architecturally from its Portugese heritage. Low storied, brick, brightly coloured buildings, lit by lamps rather than strips of neon lights. There are a few churches around which were all a big attraction to visitors, who crowded in front of them in order to take photos. But, despite the European feel, Macau's biggest pull these days is its casinos which attract Chinese gamblers from all around, especially Hong Kong. They are all huge, glittering, neon covered hotel/casino buildings whose illuminations stand out from afar in the evenings. We weren't tempted in, but instead found a Portugese style restaurant and some local bars and spent a relatively peaceful evening in Macau.

The next day we went up the 338m Macau tower, from which you can do the world's highest bungee or sky jump, None of us chose to have a go, but we watched a couple of other nutters jump off, while we enjoyed the comfort of a seat in a cafe with 180 degree views of Macau.

Left: Macaus casinos at night, you can't miss them really.
Right: View of Macau from the Macau Tower.

As evening drew near, it's back to pick up bags and off to the HK ferry port. Hong Kong here we come...

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