Monday, February 05, 2007

From SE to NE China

Spent a couple of days in Hong Kong while I arranged a new Chinese visa, so I could get back into the real China. Macao and HongKong are now of course part of China politically, but administratively they are not and on arrival you are stamped out of China and into Macau or HK. Coming back with a new visa I got into a bit of trouble as I was caught trying to smuggle two bananas from China into China, which the quarantine inspection people were not happy about. I pointed out i had bought them in China (HK) , so why ? but they were not very understanding.

Anyway I left HK and went back to Guangzhou to catch up with Phil for his last night and a evening out in a couple of local bars. The next day I left a warm, sunny Guangzhou and after 2 days travelling, with a half day break in Beijing, I arrived in Harbin. In Guangzhou it was around 15 degrees when I left, in Harbin when I arrived Saturday morning it was around minus 15 degrees. Harbin is a very Russian town, being so close to the border with Siberian Russia, with architecture, roads, lighting that all reflect a Russian style rather than Chinese. Harbin is also the host of the world famous ice and snow sculpture festival held here each year, which is why I am here..

All I have time for now..

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