Monday, July 09, 2007

There's only one Le Cong Vinh !

That's what the Vietnamese fans were chanting when star striker Le Cong Vinh put Vietnam into a 2-0 lead last night at the My Dinh stadium in Hanoi, Vietnam. Underdogs against a stronger, supposedly more skilled UAE team, Vietnam used their home advantage and the backing of their passionate fans to deliver a performance full of determination, that resulted in a thoroughly deserved 2-0 victory. It was Gulf Cup champions UAE who came closest to opening the scoring in the first half with a shot that was heading for the bottom corner until it was excellently turned past the post by keeper Hong Son Duong, but Vietnam also created some openings which gave them confidence to come out in the second half with confidence still high. They continued to pressurise their opponnents whenever they had the ball and forced errors which gave them chances to move forward and create their own openings. It was a defensive slip that gave Vietnam the opening goal, a ball over the top of the defence was not cleared and gave Huynh Quang Thanh the chance to hammer the ball home to the delight of the home crowd. Ten minutes later it was 2-0,when another ball over the top caught the UAE defence asleep and Le Cong Vinh, nonchalently lobbed the keeper to wrap it up for the co-hosts.

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