Friday, October 06, 2006

It's a small world

Two stories of conincidence I heard this week:

One of the Japanese guests needed a translator at the Uzbek embassy the other day, he went to a nearby park to try find some students who might speak English who could translate for him. It's not always easy to find English speakers here but there are soem around, but what are the chances that the first girls he asked, spoke not only English, but spoke good Japanese, great ! But wait, how on earth could he have somehow picked out two girls who were students of Yoshi, the guesthouse owner who also teaches Japanese at the University in Bishkek !!

Secondly, my friend Adrian was in Ukraine recently, what a surprise when he met an old schoolfriend walking along the beach front in Yalta !

And just to add a small coincidence of my own, I have met a few people along the way, some of them more than once, but the 2 French guys I have mentioned previously, I have now bumbed into unexpectedly 6 times !! Samarkand & Fergana in Uzbekistan, Cholpon-Ata, Karakol, Altyn Arashan and now in Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan. I know they are now in Osh and waiting to cross into China like me, maybe I will see them there somewhere too.

Anyway, why do I write this ? It's just to show I'm not that far away, because it really really is, a small world.

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