But this morning I woke up and the sun was shining, energised by this turnabout in the weather, I head into town and to the market, its around 8am and already it's bustling, plenty of people around picking up their fruit, veg and flowers, it's a different world to yesterday.

Pic Left: Ljubljana market stalls....
Pic Right: Famous 3 bridge crossing designed by Ljubljana's famous architect Jože Plečnik.
Brisk walk up to the castle and views of the city, back down via a mysetery route and when i eventually work out where I am, aim towards the river where by now the cafes are starting to come to life, this is the Ljubljana I remember ! Locals sitting out with a drink and an ice cream, enjoying the sunny morning in sunny Ljubljana.

Pic : Alongside the Ljublanica river
At the castle there was an exhibition of photos from Ljubljana centuries ago, comparing views of the city then an now, a fascinating comparison showing how things have changed. Well worth 10 minutes of your time if you are there.
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