Location of Consulate: Bucharest.
20 June, 10:00 - Set off on my way to the Moldovan consulate in Bucharest. Get lost, so get a taxi, arrive to find this is the embassy only and consular section is at another address. Arrive there at 11:40. Security say they are closed and point at the opening times sign that says Open 08:30 - 12:30 & 15:00 - 16:00. I point out it is 11:40 and is therefore open, but he insists I come back after 15:00 as they are closed.
20 June, 15:15 - Security tell me, consulate is closed, but to wait. After about 15 minutes I am allowed in. My completed application form is apparently an old one and I have to fill in a new one (which has exactly the same data and boxes, just slightly different layout). Now, have to go to a bank to pay $60 and come back with a till receipt. Bank is back in centre of town, so not possible to get there and back by 16:00. I go and pay bill and get receipt.
21 June, 10:15 - Back at consulate, security tell me they are closed, come back in one hour.
21 June, 11:20 - Back at consulate, still closed. this time there is a queue of one other person so I wait. About 20 minutes later, there are four of us queueuing. I get in second and receive without too much fuss my Moldovan visa at around 11:45.
Total Duration * : 24 hours 05 minutes.
Actual Time Spent : 4 hours 15 minutes.
* Measured from time of first arrival at consulate, to receiving visa.
Summary: Not bad really, 24 hours, as it would have taken 7 days in the Netherlands. Frustrating they are often 'closed' when they are supposed to be open. It does look like the consulate in Bucharest has a bit of an easy life, 5 working hours a day and a lot of that they seem to be closed for coffe breaks or something or other.
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