Location: Border post of Transdniestr
30 June pm: Arrived at 'non-existent' border in afternoon by bus. Passports checked, mine and 2 others are taken away by guards, told to go into soldier hut. Bags searched money asked for as they say Moldova visa not valid and Transdniestr visa required, as expected although we all know it's nonsense. Bribe required or I won't be allowed past, again as expected, haggle and bribe paid. Goto border post to get transit visa which i know costs 8 Lei. Asked for 10 Euro, I tell them no, it's 8 Lei, he asks who says this, I reply that soldiers at post and locals all tell me it's 8 lei. He kicks me out of room and says to get visa from soldiers then. Keep trying with soldiers and other border guards, no luck, they just won't give me transit pass. Bus driver gets pissed off and tells me my bags are being taken off.. He walks to bus, throws my bags off and drives away. Find bus back to Chisinau and they let me on.
Time Spent: Approx 40 minutes .
Time Wasted: Most of the day travelling.
Summary: Failed. Frustrating and disappointed not to get in and pissed off with stupid border guards for a non-existing country, wanting more money just beacuse I am not Moldovan, no reason not be let in is it?
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