Saturday, March 17, 2007

I've been tagged

Right, a game of tag is being played electronically and I have been tagged by Tina who I met in Sarajevo last year. <Read Tina's blog here.> Now I'm suppose to tell you 5 things you didn't already know about me:

1. My first job was as a ride operator at Blackpool Pleasure Beach...

2. Over the last year, I told everyone who asked that I was travelling alone. Well, this was in fact a big lie, as all this time I have actually had a travel partner, DJ Barnee. DJ was a gift from my dearest friends Nadja & Rebecca in Amsterdam.. Here he is on the Great Wall at JiaoShan:

3. I used to really, really, really like Kylie ! (This one's an Ozzie special for you Tina ;-))

4. I really, really, really don't like snakes.

5. My favourite dish in the world has to be sausages and mash with onion gravy and maybe some baked beans.

1 comment:

The Luddite said...

I was a ride operator at Manly Wharf (Sydney) when I was in school! Haha...